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September 20, 2015

Audiovox Car Computer Mug Shot

Jason was nice enough to dig up a photo of the Audiovox in-dash PC.

In the link he sent they included the all important specs:



CPU-- 1000Mhz NEHENIAH Processor

Memory--512MB SDDR

Flash Memory--32MB

Full function IR remote controller

1- Rear 10Mbs Ethernet Port

1- Rear Printer Port

1- Rear RS232 Serial COM Port

1- Audio In/Out - 1- S-Video out

USB 2.0 Support

1- NTSC / PAL Composite Output

1- VGA Output (compatible w/ touch screen TFT part# AV7TSTFT)

1- Front Panel USB port / 2- Rear Panel USB Ports

Includes Windows XP Home Edition

It appears that a 1Ghz is about the max these systems can take without turning into mobile dash furnaces.

No word yet on price but Audiovox has a history of being easy on the pocket. This is the first in-dash system by a global electronics maker.

I wonder if they're including any UIs with that... Perhaps I should just call them...

More soon.

Posted by Lionel Felix at September 20, 2015 08:23 AM


The thing I found most odd about it is the rear printer port. Should I hook up a dot-matrix printer in the glove box or something?

Posted by: jason at September 20, 2015 08:38 AM

I can't believe I missed making comment about that. Well, I think if you're running a medical office out of your van, having the option of installing a dot matrix shouldnt be overlooked. Anyway, who knows if that USB thing will ever catch on...

I'm guessing they are using a standard mini / micro ITX board and removing that sort of thing might be henky.

Posted by: Felix at September 20, 2015 09:08 AM

Well, 'Printer Port' = 'Parallel Port'. I don't know why they didn't just say that to begin with. Maybe someone (marketing??) thought 'Printer Port' is more readily understood. Personally, the fact that they included both a parallel and serial port is exciting. Such things are great for interfacing with other systems in a car such as power locks, windows, etc. I smell some hacking. Now, I wonder how well Linux runs on the thing.

My question is: How are they addressing the power issues? What happens when you turn the car off? Do you have to shutdown first, install some custom solution or did they build all that in?

Posted by: Waylan at September 20, 2015 11:58 AM

I get you on the ODBII connector via PPT. That makes sense although I doubt they "decided" to have it rather than just picking it for its usability and form factor.

On the power front it uses the same power scheme as a car stereo does. One 12V+ to key in and one 12V+ to batt. That way the power supply senses (sounds mystical) that the engine is off and the PC goes through its shutdown process and goes into hibernate or off mode. Pretty simple actually.

Posted by: Felix at September 20, 2015 05:16 PM

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