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October 06, 2015

AC / DC Gap Tech

One day you'll have more options. One day you'll be able to do what you please. One day, yeah yeah yeah. Manufacturers don't want to make anything they don't have to so if it's powered by household power, in some cases you're just SOL. For those who insist on having a coffee maker or their Dyson vacuum in their car, a DC / AC converter will have to be involved.

Xantrex has announced a "new" "smaller" "micro" (how many quoted things can I have at one time?) inverter. If the Dyson isn't your aim, a game console would also fit in that "they didn't make this so it can work in my car" argument. Ah, one small problem, seems that it's only for Europe for now. Off to Radio Shack for you. BTW, whats up with Radio Shack? Do they only hire creepy people who follow you around the store and make too much eye contact? Or is it just me.

Posted by Lionel Felix at October 6, 2015 11:15 PM

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"whats up with Radio Shack? Do they only hire creepy people who follow you around the store and make too much eye contact? Or is it just me."

Not nessecarily, but they do encourage it. I used to work for them, but they let me go because I didn't follow people around trying to sell them stuff they didn't need/want. Then they pay like crap so yeah, only the creepy ones who can't get a decent job sick around.

As a side note: my manager used to tell all the other employees (whom I trained) that I was better than him in pretty much everything - except pressuring customers of course. I would get repeat customers who would ask for me by name. Some would walk in the door, then duck right out if they saw certain other employee's working. While my sales figures were not the best, I probably did more than anyone to keep that store in business and the customers happy. Not that I'm bitter - leaving there was probably the best thing I did - but their business strategy never did make sense to me.

Posted by: waylan [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 09:59 PM

I KNEW IT!!! Thank you for corroborating that, they do train people to ghost you. Lame. Sadly, I do need stuff from there from time to time.

Posted by: LionelFelix [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 11:04 PM

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